Time & Location

Coffee & Connection Point
Please stop by for coffee, located at the main entrance, and enjoy a cup of coffee, tea, or a small snack. Be sure to also drop by our Connection Point; our team will be able to answer any questions that you have about the church, special events, and ministries of Connect Church.
Our worship time normally includes singing, prayer, stories of how God is at work, and preaching from the Word of God. The songs we sing are a mix of newer choruses and older hymns. The words to these songs are displayed on the screen at the front of the auditorium.
A one-time registration is required for our Children's Ministry prior to your first time with us, which can be filled out on the day of, or ahead of time online through the link below.
Children are extremely important to us at Connect Church. Nursery and classes are offered for children of all ages. To protect your child, we use a matching tag system for children from nursery to Pre-K. These tags serve two purposes: to notify you if we require your assistance and to allow us to release the child only to the bearer of the matching tag. Should an issue arise in which we require your assistance, we will message your cell phone. Simply go to the back of the auditorium and speak to an usher or go directly to your child’s classroom. Pre-K and nursery-aged children begin their program at 10:30am in their specific rooms.
Children in grades K-4 join their families in the main auditorium for the beginning part of the service and are dismissed later to their classes. They will exit the main auditorium doors to their classrooms. If you’re visiting for the first time, you’ll be invited to leave with your children at that time to register them in their classroom.
Dress Style
There is no dress code. You’ll see people wearing casual clothes like jeans and t-shirts as well as business-casual clothes. Please just come as you are.
What We Want You To Know
We are FOR you - no matter where you are in life, your struggles, your questions, your hurts, or your shame. We exist to help people find and follow Jesus. We want our community to know & experience His love. We are FOR you, and more importantly, God is FOR you.
If you’re new to faith, have questions, just checking it out, or coming back to church after some time away, we’re here.

Let us know you're coming
Ready to check out Connect Church in person? We can't wait to meet you! Simply fill out the form below and we'll make sure to give you the VIP treatment.🙂

Have Questions?
If you have further questions concerning visiting Connect Church, simply let us know.
Our phone number is (479)968-6966 & our email is hello@myconnectchurch.cc.
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